Anoop TS

Digital Marketer

PhD Research Scholar


Anoop TS

Digital Marketer

PhD Research Scholar



Always start with why

December 16, 2021 Book Review
Always start with why

“Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action” by Simon Sinek is a thought-provoking and insightful book that delves into the concept of “why” in leadership and business. Through a series of real-life examples and case studies, Sinek argues that the most successful leaders and organizations are those that start with their “why” – their purpose, cause, or belief – and use that as the foundation for everything they do.

Sinek explains how the “why” is the driving force behind a leader’s actions and decisions, and how it can inspire others to follow and support them. He uses examples of well-known leaders and organizations such as Martin Luther King Jr., Apple, and the Wright brothers to illustrate his points. The author also uses the Golden Circle, a simple yet powerful framework that consists of three circles: Why, How and What, to help leaders and organizations understand their own “why” and communicate it effectively to others.

One of the strengths of the book is the author’s ability to take complex ideas and break them down into simple, easy-to-understand concepts. Sinek’s writing style is engaging and accessible, making the book a quick and enjoyable read. The real-life examples used in the book make the concepts relatable and easy to understand, allowing readers to see how the principles of “why” can be applied in their own lives and organizations.

In addition, the book also provides practical advice on how leaders and organizations can use their “why” to inspire others, how to communicate it effectively and how to make it an integral part of their decision making process. The book is not only for leaders of large organizations but also for entrepreneurs, small business owners and even individuals who want to understand the importance of having a purpose and aligning it with their actions.

Overall, “Start with Why” is a must-read for anyone interested in leadership, business, or personal development. The author’s insights and practical advice make it a valuable resource for both personal and professional growth. It’s a book that will make you think differently about what inspires and motivates people to take action and will help you to lead with a greater sense of purpose and clarity.

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